Welcome to PVYA Ultimate Frisbee
This winter will be the inaugural season for Ultimate Frisbee, a fast-paced game played with a frisbee. It’s also inexpensive to play. Peter Johns will coordinate this program open to all area boys and girls grades 6 through 12. No prior experience or athletic level is required.
Indoor ultimate is played 4v4 on a basketball court with on-the-fly subbing, so the disc never stops. Games will be played Saturday afternoons at BMS. We play a “pickup game,” where teams are formed each week, players sub themselves out, and scores are not generally kept (because we’re too busy running). Great cross-training for Spring and Fall sports. Player-coaches from the local Frederick ultimate community will provide instruction.
Fees are $15 and include an ultimate disc for each participant and 12 games, starting December 7th. Exhibition games will be held Nov 16th and 23rd so you can check it out before registering. No equipment needed – just court shoes and a white and dark t-shirt; we’ll provide the disc, the court, and cones. Registration is done online via www.pvya.com.
If there’s enough interest, we’ll take the game outside -- where it was born. There we play 7v7 on a soccer-sized field.
Contact Peter Johns at [email protected] for more information.